06 51 13 25 42
06 03 04 93 47
14 rue Isaac Newton 31830 PLAISANCE-DU-TOUCH

Kaleidoscope École Bilingue is a family school where each student, teacher and family help to build a very stimulating academic and cultural environment.

Our bilingual school was created on the belief (based on official studies) that bilingualism offers children many intellectual, cultural and undeniable advantages for their future adult life.

Kaleidoscope École Bilingue combined with our Language Clubs on Wednesdays and school holidays program, create the opportunity to offer your children a bilingual educational experience which is an open, creative, dynamic environment and contributes to the intellectual development of all our students.

The Primary Team

Anne-Laure Breton
Anne-Laure Breton
Coordinatrice Pédagogique

Issue d’une famille d’enseignants, c’est vers un métier technologique et industriel que je me suis tout d’abord tournée : l’ingénierie. Expatriée aux Etats-Unis puis en Espagne, j’ai été confrontée pendant une dizaine d’années à des environnements plurilingues et pluriculturels.

La volonté de fonder une famille m’a alors amenée à me reconvertir professionnellement et c’est très naturellement vers l’enseignement que je me suis tournée. Diplômée et titulaire de l’éducation nationale, j’ai enseigné plusieurs années dans le département voisin du Gers. Un rapprochement géographique de Toulouse s’est alors imposé à ma famille, une mise en disponibilité de l’éducation nationale me permet donc de faire aujourd’hui partie de l’équipe Kaleidoscope et ce depuis septembre 2018 : tout d’abord en tant que professeur des écoles, j’occupe maintenant le poste de coordinatrice pédagogique pour les enseignements en langue française.

Assurer un apprentissage consolidé de la PS au CM2 en totale adéquation avec le programme d’étude de l’Éducation Nationale, donner aux élèves confiance et appétit d’apprendre, appuyer enseignant(e)s et assistantes d’éducation dans leurs pratiques, favoriser et développer des relations extérieures et des partenariats pédagogiques, assurer une veille pédagogique … sont quelques-unes de mes fonctions que j’exerce en ayant toujours à l’esprit le bien-être et la progression de chacun de nos élèves.

Samantha Sba
Samantha Sba
English Teacher

I am a qualified iPGCE teacher passionate about multilanguage learning. I love helping the children at Kaleidoscope develop their curiosity and knowledge in a supportive and stimulating environment. I am honoured to be part of the amazing team and fully appreciate the work and commitment of both parents and teachers to ensure a successful bilingual education. I joined Kaleidoscope in 2018 after a 5-year expatriation where I worked at the French school in Abu Dhabi as the Year 1 bilingual class teacher and English co-ordinator. Being the mother of 3 multilingual children reinforces my awareness and dedication to the benefits of learning a second language and motivates me to ensure my classroom, and lessons are effectively tailored to meet the needs of the children at Kaleidoscope.

Philippa Petch
Philippa Petch
English Teacher

My name is Philippa Petch, I am married and have two children.
We left Wales in 2012 , predominantly for my husbands work in Airbus but also for me to raise our girls.

In the UK, I studied Social Work and worked for Social Services in a variety of settings helping children and families. Since, I have been in France, I have gained my TEFL qualification and. have been teaching children and adults. Also, I am a Rainbow Guide leader, organising and enjoying games and songs with girls aged 5 to 7 years.

I have worked at kaleidoscope, as a teaching assistant for 3 years, which has persuaded me to do my Postgraduate Certificate in Education. I am loving learning again and know it is helping the children in their first years of Primary school. I am looking  forward to my new teaching career in Kaleidoscope.

Marta Tot Krajacevic
Marta Tot Krajacevic
English Teacher

I have a bachelor’s degree in Preschool Education and in the last couple of years I have obtained TEFL and Jolly Phonics certificates. I have worked in a variety of preschools in Croatia and Qatar before coming to Toulouse with my family.

In September 2017 I joined Kaleidoscope’s Primary team as an English teaching assistant where I have worked in various age groups since then.

In September 2020 I have started teaching CP class and I have also started my iPGCE.

I find teaching exhilarating and I put a lot of passion in the learning path that I want to provide to students. Their learning process inspires me, and I devote myself to pursue it and enrich it with real-life experiences.

Laëtitia Fournier
Laëtitia Fournier
Enseignante Française Elémentaire

Titulaire d’un Master pour enseigner en maternelle et en élémentaire, ainsi que d’un Master pour enseigner le français en tant que langue étrangère, j’ai eu la chance de pouvoir enseigner en France, en Suisse, en Suède et en Allemagne. Quelle chance pour mon retour en France que d’intégrer l’école Kaléidoscope puisque je peux y retrouver la richesse d’enfants venant d’horizons différents. J’adapte mon enseignement à leurs connaissances et à leurs compétences, le tout en lien avec les programmes de l’Éducation Nationale, ce qui permet de mettre en place de nombreux projets dont les enfants sont les acteurs : ils sont toujours motivés, inspirés et inspirants.

Emma Mialon
Emma Mialon
Primary English Teacher

I am a Primary School teacher from Bath, in the South West of England. I went to Southampton University to complete my teaching qualification after an incredible year teaching English in a Primary School in Nord-Pas-de-Calais. I spent three years teaching in a lovely school in Fareham (England), before making the decision to spread my wings and return to France, to the South this time! I am passionate about developing creative lessons which inspire and motivate children. I strive to create a respectful working environment in which children take pleasure in learning and develop confidence through a variety of stimulating activities. I now work as an English teacher for the CE2 class and am the coordinator for our Wednesday and Holiday clubs.

Diane Bonaldo
Diane Bonaldo
Assistante Maternelle Français

J’ai intégré l’équipe de Kaleidoscope en Septembre 2013. J’y ai rencontré tous types de nationalités, de personnes, d’enfants, ce qui fait la richesse de cette école. J’ai aussi pu voir l’évolution de chaque enfant, que ce soit au niveau du langage, de l’ouverture aux autres, du partage de l’autonomie. J’aime les valeurs de cette école à savoir le respect des autres, le bilinguisme, la tolérance. J’apprécie chaque jour de travailler dans ce cadre de travail et les enfants me le rendent bien. Que du Bonheur !

Christine Petman
Christine Petman
English Teacher

Originally graduating as a journalist I moved to France eleven years ago and trained to teach English as a foreign language (TEFL, PGCE). I have since worked in many reputable French bilingual schools, specialising in teaching young children. I’m also a qualified children’s yoga teacher (British school of yoga) and  teach classes after school.

I work with each of my students as an individual and encourage and guide them according to their personal needs and learning style. My classes are always diverse, creative and fun and I hope I plant a seed of curiosity and appreciation for other languages and cultures. What I love most about my job is welcoming new children to the school and watching them grow in to capable little students and see such amazing language progression in their very first year at school.

Jamie Deltort
Jamie Deltort
English Coordinator

I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, and come from a Honduran background.  My husband is French and I came to live with him in Toulouse in 2006, we then moved back to NOLA where we stayed for 8 years and had two boys. I speak English, French, and Spanish fluently making languages a big part of my life.  I did all of my studies in New Orleans; I received my Bachelors in Education at the University of Loyola and my teaching certification for early childhood through elementary at the University of Tulane.  Before joining Kaleidoscope in 2016, I taught for eight years at an international school where I was a primary language immersion teacher.  I am committed to bilingual education as it has been part of my whole life.

Silje Somazzi
Silje Somazzi
Enseignante Française

Je m’appelle Silje et je suis franco-Norvégienne. Passionnée par l’Anglais, je me suis dirigée vers des études de langue et plus particulièrement l’enseignement. Je travaille à Kaleidoscope Ecole Bilingue depuis 2014. Bilingue depuis l’enfance, je suis consciente de cette richesse qu’offre le bilinguisme et évoluer dans un environnement tel que l’école Kaleidoscope est une opportunité merveilleuse pour les enfants.


Sandrine and Christopher Bevan
Sandrine and Christopher Bevan

Kaleidosope is a family run school where every student, families, staff, contributes to a culturally rich, academically stimulating environment. The school was created because we all believe, and studies have shown, that dual language education offers children more choices later in life. Through our bilingual school and the English clubs, we have created a free minded, highly spirited community which we are glad to be part of.

Recherches populaires : Preschool, Primary, Wednesdays and School Holidays